The Rise of the Intelligent Health System

The Rise of the Intelligent Health System

Pages: 298

Publisher: Productivity Press

Year of Publication: 2024

Author(s) : Harry Pappas, Paul Frisch

Book Description:

The "Intelligent Health Pavilion" as demonstrated at the annual HIMSS Conference by the Intelligent Health Association is the impetus for this book.

This book documents the remarkable journey of "Intelligent Health System" and the adoption of Innovative technologies. Many showcased in real time on the trade show floor and now in this book: "The Rise of the Intelligent Health System". In each chapter of this book, authors are expressing the immense potential of merging cutting-edge technology with the complex realm of patient care and safety. The informative chapters in this book delve deep into the unfolding story of how hospitals have evolved into interactive, intelligent environments, driven by real-time data and powered by artificial intelligence.

In what seems like the blink of an eye, technology has completely transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. From smartphones to self-driving cars, ChatGPT, wireless technologies, wearables, and many other innovations are reshaping our society, pushing the boundaries of what was once considered impossible. However, nowhere is the impact of technology more profound than in the field of healthcare.
